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logistics Lyon

依托知识化、专业化的管理团队,凭借现代化的硬件设施,为客户提供全方位、个性化的优质空运出口服务。我部门下设客服、单证、航线、报关、交接等几个子部门,拥有一批经过民航专业培训,熟悉空运市场、富有敬业精神的优秀人才,竭诚为广大客户提供国际空运的订舱、报关报检、仓储、交货一条龙服务。We have in-depth knowledge of several markets including high-tech, pharmaceuticals, textiles and automotive products. We also specialise in marine logistics, industrial projects and other niche markets.
The backbone of our company is a self-reliant network of offices and air and ocean hubs in over 50 countries. We have a strong presence in Europe, the Americas and the Asia Pacific region. We also have offices in the Middle East and in Africa. Our reach is extended further through a network of selected agents that operate to our high standards. This ensures that we service your cargo flows efficiently and consistently across the world.








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