admin@2011/11/23 14:39
分类:出口货运公司 | 评论:0 | 浏览:
"cost-effective" viable solution of sea-air combined service via DXB / SIN to Europe and USA via TPE / ICN or via LAX/MIA to S.America,as an alternate to the exclusive air or ocean freight service in the event of missing shipping window or facing a late delivery of the merchandise. This service is in particular advantageous to customers who are looking for significant costs down in transportation by air or those operating with low inventories in rapidly changing industries such as footwear,consuming electronics and fashion items,will find the lead time of your consignments reduced by 55% in an average compared with a seafreight-only routing and approximately 40% savings on costs by air.国际100多家完善的运输代理网络,专业从事海上,航空,陆路的国际及国内运输业务。业务包括海空运代理订舱,报关,报检,保险,装箱,拖车,仓储,国内物流。主营优势国际航线为美国,欧洲,南美,非洲,俄罗斯,日韩,东南亚,中东,主营优势国内航线为