«上一篇: MONAGHAN, OFFALY 的海运国际货运下一篇:超过2000多家中小型外贸公司出口的货运 »


我们拥有强大的服务体系,客服团队、操作团队、单证团队、报关团队,从客户需求出发,凭借多年积累的经验和不断优化的流程管控形成完整的闭环。 Company Profile

Approved and licensed by the Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation with the People's Republic of China. Company has been allowed to enroll NOVCC by ministry of communications. Orient International Transportation Co., LTD ,established in 1995, is an international logistic enterprise which is subordinate to Orient International(Holding)Co., LTD.。

We can be entrusted to handle part of or all international forwarding business of import and export goods for ocean freight and airfreight. It includes: canvassing; booking; storage; transshipment; full container and consolidation; freighting clearing; customs clearance; inspection declaration; courier service; short-distance traffic service and consultation.

Since the foundation of our company, we keep the well relations with the relations with the Customs, Commodity inspection, Marine Shipping Agency, Air-line Companies and harbor. Approved and set by Customs, the supervising warehouse is designed for international air freight, sea freight and express mail cargo. All of these create a good surrounding for goods transportation for the customers in home and abroad.
Socio-economic profile of ship breaking activities
Most of the ship breaking workers come from the poverty stricken northern region of Bangladesh where there are limited employment opportunities. Usually, the workers are not given an appointment letter and there is no formal contract between the employer and the employee in most of the yards. Workers have been unable to enforce their right to permanent and secure employment as they are unable to demonstrate an employment relationship exist between the yard owners and themselves. Their wages depend on the number of hours worked as well as the type of work and skill level.







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