«上一篇: 备所有Karachi(kict) 国际运输代理业务下一篇:集装箱专业的态度,我们珍惜每一位客户船运至中东 »


Our main strength is handling Project cargos, Over Weight cargos, Oversized cargos, DDP, DDU. And we have our own Transport company, Shipping line company to deal vessel in Chittagong, own three BIG warehouses in Chittagong and Dhaka to store heavy cargos and oversized cargo, we have our own Trading company as well. When we handle a Project then we provide every solution to client including the Documentation and Government permission for temporary and Permanent import cargos and also reexport after Project accomplish because we know that such documentation and permission is a very big barrier for handling a project and we have very good relations with such government officers to make the all permission as soon as possible. Also, we have contract with Barge owners and Lighter owner with Tugboat which need to carry by sea and river transport. So, moral of the story is we have each and every solution to handle a project in Bangladesh. Read More中华人民共和国商务部、海关总署、民航总局、国家商检局批准的一级货运代理公司,是国际航协(IATA)和国际货代联盟(FIATA)的正式成员。在经过了多年发展后,逐渐成为了以国际运输为主导,其他多种运输模式包括仓储、物流等为辅的现代型物流企业。我们致力于为客户量身定做专业的物流解决方案,本着以客户为核心的宗旨,希望通过富有经验的管理和专业的操作团队为客户提供安全、快捷、低成本的优质服务。我们将凭借自身的优势,加上同航空公司及其地面代理公司、海关、出入境检验检疫、安检等相关部门建立的良好合作关系,从而保证客户快速操作、通关、出货的承诺。








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