公司的主要经营业务为:海运拼箱、整箱出口业务,整箱、拼箱进口清关业务、散杂货运输业务以及与此配套的代理订舱、报关、报检、拆装箱代运、仓储、各种运输保险等全流程业务。公司在业内拥有广泛的与货,船,港,关,检,代,储,车合作多年的业务网络优势,通过年轻精干的员工队伍和现代科学的管理操作系统,以准确的时间,迅捷的速度,便利的手续,经济的运价,优良的信誉和可靠的实力为广大客户提供国际物流门到门一条龙优质服务。公司在积极寻求企业持续发展的同时,致力于为员工的职业发展创造条件与空间。我们愿以充满活力的企业文化,富有挑战的任职机会,诚邀各界精英的加盟!Besides, the company provides local transportation services in both Hong Kong and China. The local team in Hong Kong consists of 8 vehicles while the China local team consists of 12 vehicles varying from 3T to 24T and 20'GP, 40'GP containers leading to different ports in HK and South China.
As a total solution to customers, we also provide other logistics-related service such as warehousing, custom declaration, shipping and air agency. We believe that our expertise and specialization in the field shall make satisfaction to customers from various industries.