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蛇口港位于珠江口东岸深圳经济特区蛇口半岛南端,踞南中国海进入华南地区之咽喉要道,四通八达:水路距香港新界3.5海里,距澳门、珠海25海里,经珠江水系与广东、广西相连;陆路经疏港大道与华南公路干线相接,经港区铁路与京九铁路相接进而与全国铁路网相接;距深圳国际机场30公里。年吞吐能力1500万吨,集装箱年通过能力50万标准箱,客流量年通过能力500万人次。 蛇口港可同时靠泊10艘万吨级以上船舶,最大靠泊10万吨级散货船,锚地可靠泊12.5万吨级散货船,是华南地区重要的粮食、建材集散中心和内贸集装箱中转口岸,并拥有深圳地区最大的客运码头。 客轮泊位:17个 港区面积:75万平方米 保税堆场面积:6.45万平方米 其他堆场面积:37.55万平方米 保税仓面积:4845平方米 散粮筒仓、方仓容量:6.8万吨 水泥筒仓容量:6万吨 卷钢专用仓容量:10万吨 其它仓库面积:8万平方米 港口机械:482台 皮带廊:600米Warehouse
Besides the first-class warehousing equipment, we also have rich warehouse management experiences and professional management staff. With scientific methods of work, strict system, first-class warehouse management system, our customers can get the economic, safe, accurate and timely storage services. And through a series of effective methods and investment, we have achieved the safety of warehouse management, mechanization of operation and informatization of network and can provide various customer-based services. The company has adopted advanced warehouse management information system to implement various management including resources planning, customer management and reporting and system analysis etc. during the whole workflow and as a result, realized the network informatization of the warehouse process and management.
4.Custmos Clearence & Insurance
MRF has a very professional team for customs clearence and Insurance, which keep in mind for striving for excellence and improving of service always. We MRF can help clients do the commodity inspection, fumigation certificate, form A, C/O and so on.Yuhangda up line carrier network in Asia to provide customers with pickup, transportation, sorting, storage and delivery of documents, packages of transport, customs clearance agent, delivery and so on. Our cargo tracking system, connected to our global network, so that each of Yuhangda workers office network members to exchange data, information, thus ensuring our customers cargo inspection system can be completely track their goods situation.

Yuhangda reaches the Shenzhen company since its inception has been dedicated to build industry-leading export pipeline, focus on optimizing improve our service levels, pricing levels and service levels, we sincerely hope that through sustained efforts in the industry to establish influence. Therefore, we will continue to post updates of our latest services, different parts of the latest price, as well as the latest and most timely service, hope friends and colleagues to achieve a win-win situation gratifying! Yuhangda's success is because of your success, Yuhangda grow up without your guidance and help and support!

At present, our company according to market conditions, especially for the customer design a variety of high-quality, rich advantages of multiple choice fine line. Including DHL, UPS, FEDEX, TNT and other internationally renowned courier brands, international and domestic air port to port services. Currently, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, South Africa, South line, in the East, etc. These services have an absolute advantage in the fierce market for customers to provide high-quality express service. The reason why our products have such a big advantage, because we are not a general line company, we are a point to point service with its own network of international logistics company. We are confident that, with our own huge and irreplaceable network, coupled with Yuhangda and professionalism of the team's professionalism, so you understand the goods, rest assured that deliver satisfaction to us, onto a stable of Fortune.








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