admin@2016/6/11 16:30
分类:空运货运公司 | 评论:0 | 浏览:
Air Freight Service
Airfreight Division is established in 1997 for Trans-Pacific Traffic. Now we provide:
Direct consolidations to worldwide markets
Own warehouse facility to control in/out cargo shipment
Electronically connected for efficient production of Automated Manifest Submission (AMS), Regulated Agent Security Programme (RASP), Pre-Alert and Proof of Delivery
Good relationship with airlines and more than five contract carriers to provide Prime, Defer and Charter Service regularly
Two shifts a day to handle in/out air shipment on 24/7 basis“十年磨一剑”,经过员工和股东们的不断努力,凭借诚信、负责、专业的态度和雄厚的实力背景,华海鹏达在强化服务的同时,紧密围绕现代综合物流的新局势,瞄准市场需求,稳健地扩展服务项目,为广大的物流同行、厂商朋友解决了繁多的进出口疑难杂症。为了更好地提供配套服务,我司持续在国际海运、国际空运、拖车、报关、报检、仓储、保税物流等各方面,积极有效地投入相应的人力财力,并取得了显著的发展。