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Global transportation

Warehousing operations: Jit Global transportation co.,ltd provides service on 2,000 square meters of warehousing platform. You can operate JIT. VMI modes of operation , facilities including forklift (2-5t) crane (10t) in warehouse for use , bar-code management supporting. Special tools used for the metal pail carton packaging and moving supporting,vacuum packing supporting.One-stop mode logistics supporting.
4. Import and export agent:Jit Global transportation co.,ltd provides import consignee issued on Master awb(MAWB) or swb(MSWB) and House awb(HAWB) or hb/l when import bugginesses(from overseas point to china)happened.jit Global provides Export Verification Form when export(from china to overseas point)happened, Notify party of ocean. documents for import and export when the supervision conditions of HS code needed, such as: free ccc,electromechanical trial DGM identification of dangerous goods. Old equipment returned commodity inspection identification and product identification and so on. 是专注于国际第三方物流服务的企业,具备国际货运代理及无船承运人资质,同时代理多家航运公司集装箱及散杂货进出口业务。公司总部在北京,在青岛和天津设有分公司,旗下还有报关行,报检行等,并拥有完善的全球代理网络。公司业务包括订舱、仓储、配送、装卸、加固、报关、检验等服务








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