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land-carriage and air-express of import and export

APL, P&O, CMA-CGM, OOCL, EMC, CSCL, MSC, PIL, COSCO等有着良好的合作关系,拥有一批长期从事进出口海运业务的专业人员。在中国各主要口岸城市都有自己的分公司,因此在当地的操作能力较强,可以为客户提供包括整箱、拼箱及散货的订舱、配载、报关、报验、集港,货物跟踪等一系列高品质的服务。

  在北京我们目前拥有一大批专业报关员、报检员;在首都机场拥有自己的国际物流监管库,能够为客户提供完善的仓储服务以及低廉的价格。在天津新港、上海及青岛等各主要口岸都设有自己的报关行,可为国内外客户提供进出口报关业务。从专业性到时效性,都会令广大客户满意。我们与海关、商检都建立了良好的关系,能够确保进出口货物的快速通关。 (FIATA). Our company deal in international shipping, providing ocean shipping、land-carriage and air-express of import and export with best service for home and overseas’ customers, including booking、Cargo Stowage、customs declaration 、storage、picking-up、insurance and other multinomial logistics service.

We have fullfunctional business services, modern management, and have an experienced, skilled, & professional team to provide our old or new customers with security, speed, precision, economy, and convenience international transportation services Whenever, Viwon international logistics company forwards "service, integrity," as the spirit of its enterprise. "Customer first, constantly improvements" as a business purpose, it not only in scales, but more in service quality and to a higher standard. Hope our customers all over the world to develop new markets with us together.








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