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business of freight forwarding enterprises. Is the pillar industry policy to Shenzhen city of modern logistics enterprises and the establishment of a specialization, internationalization, network.
In the fierce competition in the business, improve efficiency has become the enterprises must law firm, Shenzhen Heng Yuan international freight and implementing customer-oriented way, expanding the operational level, enhance the quality of service, for customers to reduce costs, the company since its establishment, has developed into a Ji Hai, road, air transport and storage customs as one of the diversified freight forwarding enterprises.
Heng Yuan freight over the years to develop diversified business, to establish a global network of agents, in order to satisfy every customers around the world demand for freight services to ensure high standard and quality, according to the different transportation needs of each customer, play to their strengths and experience, launched a new, better quality, more economical means of servi出口报关
※ 凡属国家允许进出口的任何产品均可代理;
※ 贵厂(公司)的货物将用本公司的单证资料以一般贸易形式在香港、深圳、广州各口岸报关出境,不需要贵厂(公司)的手册、外汇,贵厂(公司)只需提供详细的出货资料即可。这样贵厂简便出口手续,从而节省费用,我司可多创出口量,互惠互利。
※ 货物报关前一天或以上,贵厂提供详细的出货资料(包括:出货时间、品名、品牌、规格、数量、净重、毛重、消费国别、口岸名称等),需商检的货物我司派人送样品商检、运输由贵厂(公司)自办或有我司代办均可。ce to facilitate the customers, then cut the cost for the customer's purpose, to win the market.








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