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is a professional engaged in import and export cargo transportation business of freight forwarding enterprises. Is the pillar industry policy to Shenzhen city of modern logistics enterprises and the establishment of a specialization, internationalization, network.
In the fierce competition in the business, improve efficiency has become the enterprises must law firm, Shenzhen HKT international freight and implementing customer-oriented way, expanding the operational level, enhance the quality of service, for customers to reduce costs, the company since its establishment, has developed into a Ji Hai, road, air transport and storage customs as one of the diversified freight forwarding enterprises.
HKT freight over the years to develop diversified business, to establish a global network of agents, in order to satisfy every customers around the world demand for freight services to ensure high standard and quality, according to the different transportation needs of each customer, play to their strengths and experience, launched a new, better quality, more economical means of service to facilitate the customers, then cut the cost for the customer's purpose, to win the market.
With a number of shipping companies signed the North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East, the contract of carriage of the red sea routes, according to customer of the freight, sailing, sailing time needs, providing different levels, different routes of the global transport services.
Sea transport
Provide shipping booking stowage and professional customs clearance service
To provide door to door container transport service
Agent freight insurance 出口到日本,台湾,美国,加拿大,欧盟,新西兰,奥克兰,墨西哥,巴西所有港口的货物如果是木制包装的必须要先做熏蒸;
A.每一件货物的外包装都要贴有包含Made in China/Consignee name/Package serial No/HBL No.等提单资料的唛头标志且确保清晰;
B.对每件货物的外箱要进行编号,如 No.01,02..ect。
C. 货物必须使用托盘或其它木箱等牢固包装以免混淆。








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