公司运输专线区域已遍及全国各大省市、自治区。并在一些大中城市设立办事处,我公司专业从事上海至全国各地零担、整车、运输业务。备有各式厢式货车、平板车、半封闭车,车厢长度分别为4.2米--17.5米不等。另配有特种加长车和低平板车等大件运输车辆。用心的为你服务到全国各地的每一个城市及角落,你只需一个电话,剩下的事我们来做,以优质的服务,换取你对本公司的信任与支持。French origin and now operating in 88 countries with 8000 employees, SDV International Logistics belongs to the Bolloré Group , which employs 30 000 people worldwide.
Specialist in all areas of transportation and logistics, SDV International Logistics provides customized solutions using the most advanced technologies.
SDV expertise lies on an in-house, built-in efficient IT system, a reactive and reliable international network and a close relationship with the major operators of the international transportation.