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Balboa PORT海运

experiences and professional management staff. Based on our scientific methods of work, strict
system, first-class warehouse management system, we can provide our customers with reasonable,
safe, accurate and timely storage services and guarantee safety of customer’s goods while
minimizing the cost. And through a series of effective methods and investment, we have achieved the
safety of warehouse management, mechanization of operation and informatization of network and
can provide vaious customer-based services. The company has adopted advanced warehouse
management information system to implement various management including resources planning,
customer management and reporting and system analysis etc. during the whole workflow and as a
result, realized the network informatization of the warehouse process and management.

● Bonded and non-bonded warehouse management
● Vendor Managed Inventor (VMI) Service RDC and field depot setup
● Bonded Channel to effectively manage flow of goods
● International and domestic express delivery
● Expedited Product Delivery (2 hours/4 hours/ same day delivery)
● 7x24x365 service我司主要从事中南美的海运和空运,给客户一整套的物流服务,立足于给客户解决问题,达到双赢的局面。随着物流行业的迅速发展,拥有竞争力的运价和逐渐完善的销售、代理网络是嘉信通不断成长的关键,为客户提供高品质的服务是我们嘉信通能够站稳市场份额的最主要的因素。 ※企业哲学:选择嘉信通,选择双赢; ※企业目标:一流的运价,上等的服务; ※企业任务: 选择嘉信通,满意您的选择; ※企业精神: 没有服务就没有客户;没有高质量服务就没有长期客户。








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