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Commerce approved the establishment of an international freight forwarding business, the company was founded in 1995, more than 10 years, we in the City letter, professional, efficient, high-quality service concept for many domestic and foreign customers with bonded storage, customs declaration , receive, transport distribution, import and export goods Brisbane, stowage, port operations, container assembly and devanning, and other one-stop services.
  The company has scientific management mechanism, with modern information technology formed a complete supply chain of goods, a good allocation of resources, in 2006 passed the ISO9001 international quality system certification in order to meet the bonded business development, the company developed the most advanced management functions most perfect bonded warehouse, I they hope to enrich the operational experience and first-class service, and competitive prices, and our new and old customers for high-efficiency and high shipping agency services, the company has been in Beijing, Shijiazhuang and other places set up offices.以诚信服务是我们不懈的追求,如今劲达国际货运秉承公司一贯的服务宗旨,已拥有中国几大港口的全面的完善的物流体系。公司员工在多年成长过程中懂得了勇于创新和诚信服务的精神, 并以此精神为动力,将客户至上的服务宗旨作为我们永远的目标!

• 集装箱班轮订舱
• 仓储服务,包括保税及非保税仓储,库进出口拼箱仓储服务
• 进出口货物报关报检
• 进出口货物的陆路运输
• 项目运输、散杂货运输
• 船舶代理及相关码头服务
• 先进的物流操作电子平台








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