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forwarding business operator approved by Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Communications, Customs General Administration of P.R.C. As a member of China International Freight Forwarders Association (CIFA), Nisko enjoys a high reputation in the cost effective services, stable financial status and professional services among the Southern China logistics industry.
Taking the advantage of a highly developed transportation web, on which its headquarter is located,with highways connecting cities and towns in South China, three international container ports in Hong Kong, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and five international airports in Hong Kong, Macau, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai in China,Nisko offers SeaBay offers a full range of innovative services with efficient cost. These services include air and sea import and export, consolidation, customs clearance, warehousing, trucking, container transloading and distribution, insurance brokerage.
Nisko understands that professional knowledge and efficiency are the core competitive advantage of companies in the 21st century. Nisko possesses the first-class personnel with updated knowledge and expertise in logistics. Owing to the connection by the Extranet to the airliners, shipping companies, custom offices and goods inspection departments in China and Hong Kong, Nisko is able to clear customs in a paperless way, and to get information in no time of the goods in freight forwarding.After 7 years of operation, Nisko has become one of the fastest growing international freight forwarders in China. 业务分布于欧美,香港及内地等极具活力和潜力的新兴市场,分支机构遍及上海,青岛,宁波,天津,厦门等地,专业致力于为客户解决全方位物流方案,包括承办海运、空运,多式联运的国际运输代理业务,同时,启泰取得货物进出口经营权,为国外客户代理国际采购及指引,翻译等;为国内客户代理进出口等。 启泰有一群蓬勃向上,年轻踏实的业务精英。有一群富有货运经验的团体,在社会各界的支持下,启泰不断壮大,影响力不断增强。启泰一直奉行以客户为中心,坚持客户的原则,获得了客户的好评。随着中国WTO的进一步深入,中国国际化进一步增强,在国际化的浪潮里,启泰把握先机,与国内外客户一同进步,争取把公司做成一个多行业,多元化的现代化集团企业。 公司服务理念:诚信,和谐,科学,可持续经营; 我们的宗旨:安全,方便,快捷,经济;








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