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The department is responsible for the full set of import and export of container cargo operation services, including booking, packing, customs clearance, commodity inspection, plant quarantine agency, single-system, distribution and other goods. We always place our customer’s requirements and services in the first place, and we always can resolve timely the difficulties and implement transportation, thereby we have been enhancing the company's comprehensive level of service, in pursuit of the sustainable development of the company's business.

We always provide the best customer service with efficient quality according to yours requirement.

Air Transport Department
The department is responsible for the import and export air cargo agency business for international transportation, including, booking, warehousing, transshipment, customs clearance, inspection, the relevant short-distance transport services and consulting services.

We always can fully understand the customer needs based on the comparison of air flight, the carrier of comparison, the final integration of all possible factors. Try to provide customers with a better solution to Achieve the accurate, secure, punctual air transportation.


一、 订舱配载:协调船、货、港的联系与平衡。
二、 集装箱、提箱、堆放和申请验箱。
三、 代理"一关三检"(海关报关、商检、卫检、动植物检疫的报验服务)。
四、 代理船公司制作、签发船务单证,计算核收运杂费。
五、 提供海运运价、货运信息和咨询。








Copyright 2005-2009 www.gzkongyun.com.cn.广州与通船务代理公司.电话:137 111 27975 QQ客服一:1250528657 QQ客服二:1815998783