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Europe trade

with a powerful sales team, who strives to meet clients “Critical Success Factors”and surpass our customers supply chain expectations with multiple quality choice options? Became one of the most famous groups in Asia for Transpacific & Europe trade and dominates the 'TOP TEN' list for Far East volume to transpacific trade for several years due to its focus on service and integrity.

HLS Air Sea (HAS), established in 2001 has its HQ in Hong Kong and key offices in Shanghai & Shenzhen. HAS is IATA certified in Hong Kong with CATA License from MOC by investing 600,000 dollars to enlarge the service and enhance the sales power across Transpacific, Europe, Latin America & Australia.
【主要包括平板柜和开顶柜等柜型】,合作的船东主要是中海、中远等,绝对掌握着其深圳特种柜运输资源(包括舱位/运价/空箱储备等)。作为特种柜运输(OOG)市场的领导者,公司不光注重自身团队建设,同时肩负着维护市场的责任。为加强特种柜(OOG)细分市场的整合,满足不同类型客户的多元需求,公司一直努力整合着多家船东合作渠道,如德翔、现代、以星、韩进海运、马士基等,并与其建立全面的战略合作伙伴关系。 在客户服务方面我们也不断加强,进一步走近客户,继续进行分公司及办事处的开设,为客户提供驻厂及面对面的服务,这一切都得到了客户的认可。








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