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荷兰、波兰海运代理公司 广州至荷兰、波兰

changed its name to Guangzhou Sled Logistics Limited, operation service extended to the customs declaration and warehouse management, branches offices were then set up at both new and old Guangzhou and Huangpu Port terminals to perform immediate handling of import and export shipments from delaying in handling and cost saving.

In June 2003,China Customs (Guangzhou Customs Branch) granted Guangzhou Sled Logistics Limited the license of qualified independent professional customs declaration officially required to operate under the name of Guangzhou Sled Customs Declaration Limited, with such honour and previlage we then further extended our services to Guangzhou new airport. More than 10 years, with all time updated knowledge and past experience in handling, international standard management and well connected social background, recognized performance and upgraded hard and softwares; adhering to loyalty, friendliness and tenacious spirit of the “sled dogs”,we are awarded the oppor- tunity of providing to several world’s Fortune 500 enterprises with a full range of logistics management services including the most important customs processing China Customs for land, sea and air cargo shipments handling. With abundance of funds we have confidence in keeping up our services with additional sources including recruitment of young and energetic staffs to guarantee qualified services to customers now and in future. 公司业务范围涉及:组织出国参展参观、境外商务考察培训、举办在华展览、海内外展台设计及搭建、展品运输、出国签证与接待等服务!










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