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Abuja代理整柜集装柜海运 Abuja出口海运

 尼日利亚首都阿布贾(Abuja)坐落在尼日尔州境内,是小部族格瓦里族聚居的地方,为尼日尔州、卡杜纳州、高原州和克瓦拉州的交汇点,距离拉各斯约500公里,是全国的地理中心。它地处中央高原的西南边缘,为热带大草原丘陵地带,人口稀少,空气新鲜,景色秀丽。   1975年,穆罕默德军政府提出了兴建新首都的建议。1979年10月,沙加里文官政府正式批准新首都阿布贾的设计蓝图,并开始第一期建设工程。1991年12月正式从拉各斯(Lagos)迁入。人口有40万(2000年)。   尼日利亚新首都是由日本著名建筑师丹下健三设计的。   重要城市   恩古鲁(Nguni)   迈杜古里(Maiduguri)   卡诺(Kano)   卡齐纳州(Katsina)   索科托(Sokoto)   扎里亚(Zaria)   卡杜纳(Kaduna)   乔斯(Jos)   包奇(Bauchi)   约拉(Yola)   阿布贾(Abuja)   马库尔迪(Makurdi)   埃努古(Enugu)   阿巴(Aba)   卡拉巴尔(Calabar)   哈科特港(Port Harcourt)   瓦里(Warri)   贝宁城(Benin City)   拉各斯(Lagos)   伊巴丹(Ibadan)   奥绍博(Oshogbo)   奥博莫绍(Ogbomosho)   伊洛林(Ilorin)We have built 9 branches in Chinese main port cities including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Ningbo, Tianjin, Xiamen , Qingdao and Beijing, also fund the overseas office in India ,head office is in Chennai, six branch offices in Mumbai ,New Delhi , Bangalooru , Tirupur,Cochin and Pune . In Oct ,2011, Unitex Singapore office is established and has got into her normal operation.

And established perfect oversea agent network covering more than 100 countries. Meanwhile, we have over 600 dedicated professional staff serving our domestic and oversea customers.

With quick development of logistics industry, competitive freight, increasingly perfect sale and agent network are the keys for Unitex's sustained growth, while high-quality service provided is the main factor for Unitex to gain a foothold in the market. Our tenet is “NO CUSTOMER, NO OUR SEVICE; NO EXCELLENT SERVICE, NO LONGTERM CUSTOMER!” Therefore, we believe Unitex will develop continually and create a new peak with the efforts of all of our staffs.

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