admin@2012/7/25 14:42
分类:空运货运公司 | 评论:0 | 浏览:
本公司一级代理:成都DHL 、TNT、UPS、EMS;香港DHL、FEDEX、 UPS、DPEX;业务经营可达全球任何一个国家及地区。渠道优势明显,可接收一切物品(违法物品除外);我司以最实惠的价格、最高效、完美的服务带给客户非一般的国际进出口运输服务体验!Expresses department has teamed up with UPS to build a professional great working service. Far international logistics delivers value to its clients by providing the most reliable and efficient solutions through delivery networks to cover most of the world. The company is based on “Fast, Efficient, Safe and Integrity” In order to build and develop branding effective and to attract more high-end customers and try and create the most value for money to our customers.