国家规定外贸企业出口的货物必须要同时具备以上4个条件。生产企业(包括有进出口经营权的生产企业、委托外贸企业代理出口的生产企业、外商投资企业,下同)申请办理出口货物退(免)税时必须增加一个条件,即申请退(免)税的货物必须是生产企业的自产货物或视同自产货物才能办理退(免)税。Hong Kong interim export : For some in the Mainland ports normal reporting difficulties sensitive goods, or the port refused to accept the cargo, or domestic freight forwarding goods from the carrier, such as dangerous goods, control of the West Bank can be arranged by sending the goods shipped to Hong Kong via the Hong Kong transit by air or sea, the goods to all parts of the world.