【内容摘要】我们拥有强大的服务体系,客服团队、操作团队、单证团队、报关团队,从客户需求出发,凭借多年积累的经验和不断优化的流程管控形成完整的闭环。 Company Profile
Approved and licensed by the Ministry of Foreign Trade & Economic Cooperation with the People's Republic of China. Company has been allowed to enroll NOVCC by ministry of communications. Orient International Transportation Co., LTD ,established in 1995, is an international logistic enterprise which is subordinate to Orient International(Holding)Co., LTD.。 ...
【内容摘要】在企业发展过程中,公司通过确立职权明确、精简高效的组织架构,明晰各部门的责、权、利,使公司走上“法制”的轨道;通过在公司内部实行以人为本的“人性化管理”,尊重和关心员工的想法和需要,建立富有凝聚力和战斗力的企业内部氛围。Air Transportation: By making use of the advantages of being a coastal company, our company keeps a good working relationship with organizations concerning airlines, customs, security check, inspection and quarantine. With a complete first level agency qualification in air transportation, our company can be engaged in air transportation and express delivery of international and domestic cargo. It has a strong operational capability at airports in Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Chongqing, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Xiamen, etc. And it also has a good partnership with many famous foreign and domestic airlines such as China Southern Airlines, Air China, Japan Airlines, Lufthansa German Airlines, Korean Air, All Nippon Airways, British Airways and Russia Airlines....
【内容摘要】 The top concern of international cargo shippers and maritime officials in the United States remains slow freight movement through container ports. The spring resolution of contract differences between longshoremen and management that bogged down work at West Coast ports for months was a welcome relief. But the underlying congestion issues plaguing major ports have not gone away. ...